Range of trades
- 0102 Provision of services in agriculture and horticulture
- 0103 Provision of services related to animal care
- 0201 Provision of services in forestry and hunting
- 0301 Provision of services in fishing
- 0801 Treatment of minerals, extraction of peat and mud and their treatment
- 1001 Production of food products
- 1002 Production of feed mixtures
- 1101 Production of beverages
- 1401 Clothing production
- 1501 Leather processing
- 1601 Processing of wood and production of wood components
- 1602 Production of simple products from wood, cork, straw, wicker and their modification, repair and maintenance
- 2001 Production of chemicals, chemical fibers, plastics, rubber and preparations from these materials
- 2201 Manufacture of rubber and plastic products
- 2301 Production of glass, glass products and their treatment
- 2302 Ceramic production
- 2303 Manufacture of non-metallic mineral products and concrete, plaster and cement products
- 2401 Production and metallurgical processing of metals
- 2501 Production and processing of simple metal products
- 2601 Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products
- 2701 Manufacture of electrical equipment and electrical components
- 2702 Development, production of security systems or alarm systems and devices enabling tracking of the movement
- and actions of a person in a protected object, on a protected area place or in their surroundings
- 2801 Manufacture of machines and equipment for general purposes
- 2901 Manufacture of motor vehicles, engines, means of transport, parts and accessories
- for motor vehicles and other means of transport
- 3201 Manufacture of jewelry and souvenirs
- 3202 Production of musical instruments
- 3203 Manufacture of toys and games
- 3204 Production of brooms, brushes and painting tools
- 3205 Production of candles and shading technology
- 4101 Realization of buildings and their changes
- 4301 Preparatory work for construction
- 4302 Finishing construction work in the implementation of exteriors and interiors
- 4501 Maintenance of motor vehicles without intervention in the motor part of the vehicle
- 4903 Removal services
- 5001 Operation of small vessels
- 5501 Accommodation services with provision of preparation and sale of food, beverages and semi-finished products
- to guests staying in accommodation facilities with a capacity of up to 10 beds
- 5502 Accommodation services without providing hospitality activities
- 5601 Provision of fast food services in connection with sales for direct consumption
- 5603 Provision of service at cultural and other social events
- 6801 Rental of real estate associated with the provision of other than basic services connected with the lease
- 8101 Cleaning and cleaning services
- 9301 Operation of sports facilities and facilities used for regeneration a reconditioning
- 9302 Organization of sports, cultural and other social events
- 9501 Repair of personal and household goods